Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Quick Quips

I sit in an office with one entire wall that is a window. It’s a pretty nice view, especially considering we’re on the 20th floor.

I find it interesting, however, that my officemate and I choose to close our blinds and sit in a fairly dark office (mostly because we also keep the lights off and only use desk lamps when the sun goes down).

Some may say we do this in order to reflect our mood - which, in case you haven’t noticed is always snarky and just to the left of tolerable - but it’s not. I just like the dark. Bonus happy points if it’s overcast outside.


We have these painstakingly inane monthly meetings that always get rescheduled at least once. However, our oh-too-eager and oh-too-annoying office manager decides to waste our time and hers by sending meeting reminders for the entire year.

Hmm, brilliant.


Word and Excel. Knowing how to use these are pretty basic job requirements for most any office job. You would think that the people we hire at any level would have this skill, right? But, nope.

Apparently, it’s one of those things on our job requirement list that got left on the second page and forgotten at the printer. Oops.

-Signing off from San Francisco

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