Friday, March 2, 2007

No Srsly!

Snippets from a snippet:

OMGREADTHISEMAILNOWNOWNOW!!!111!!: High importance emails are retarded. Yes- I said it. It really doesn't matter if your email has a little red flag next to it in my inbox, if I'm busy I'll get to it when I can. If it's really important and you need a response like, oh, two minutes ago- call me. That's what my desk phone is for. It's too ugly to be decorative and too big to be a paperweight. But...

Don't call me on my mobile when I'm at my desk: Seriously. Sometimes colleagues will call my mobile when they're ten feet away from me and I'm at my desk. I know Mika's Grace Kelly is all sorts of musical goodness but I doubt people call me just to hear it play.

Also, why do reporters call my mobile during the day? I put my office number in my signature first, in bold, and then my mobile number for after hours emergencies. 2:00pm on a Tuesday afternoon... I'll be at my desk. I promise. Here's a thought- try my desk phone before my mobile... you might like the results.

Super cheerful people in the morning make me angry: Okay, not really. But don't expect me to 'super cheerful right back atcha!' if it's 7:00am and I'm standing in front of the coffee machine with my arms crossed and tapping my foot. Obviously, I'm not happy and I haven't had my morning cup of liquid crack yet so please, say 'good morning' and go skipping off into Lollipop Land and play with the unicorns or whatever it is you do at that ungodly time of the day.

-Signing off from Seattle

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