Monday, April 2, 2007

'STEP DOWN!' Gettin' Off the MUNI

Things of relative interest I noted on my MUNI ride to work.

Salient avoidance of eye and body contact. Sunglasses on a non-sunny bus, iPods and the impressive ability to keep arms and legs tightly bound to the body - quite similar to that of a mummy.


On a similar note, men with sunglasses, blazers and jeans. For no apparent reason, this combination bothers me. I see them on the bus all the time, and call me persnickety, but I can't help but raise my eyebrow every time I see one.


I saw a fully grown woman going to work toting a snoopy backpack. This made me smile. Very nice.

(And I'm not being sarcastic, for once.)

-Signing off from San Francisco

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...jeans, blazer, sunglasses.... right, that's my boyfriend. I apologize for him.