Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lights. Blink. Grr.

I frequently drag my tired (non-morning person ass) into the office at a ridiculously early hour. Like 7 a.m. early.

This sucks.

But, I get a tiny amount of comfort because the lights are still out at this time and I can hunch over my keyboard with the glow of the computer screen illuminating my desk. This is a moment of serenity for me. Unfortunately, there is always some fool who always flips on the lights 10 minutes or so before 8:30 hits, causing my eyes to immediately squint and my body to cringe.

Who the fuck is this annoying person and why must they jerk me out of my peace early?!

I just want to sit in the dark for 10 more minutes before the vexations of the day begin. Is that so much to ask for? I think I deserve it.

-Signing off "bitter" in San Francisco

1 comment:

Tbex said...

The annoying person is YOU!

Get a job that lets you stay in bed until the lights come on and go home while it's still light out!