Friday, March 14, 2008

A List

Behold, for the amusement of all our fine readers (yes, all three of you deserve a gold star because you totally win at life), the very first top 5 list on this blog.

The Top 5 list of stupid conversation topics by coworkers, without prompting:

Who you made out with/slept with/blew the night before.
Usually, the story is told by a female coworker who happened to hook up with what probably was a completely fug dude but will be described as a hot piece of ass the next day. I have only a few real friends at work whose lives I'm actually interested in but for some reason, it's the girls that I don't talk to and/or don't hang out with (and wouldn't want to. Ever.) that offer up these tales of whoredom.

Commonsense- don't talk up your slutty after-work life to someone whose last name you can barely spell.

The dream you had last night.
I doubt even your mother would care.

That rash/scab/pus filled pustule.
I'm a bit of a natural science nerd. My favorite book is Parasite Rex by Carl Zimmer. My favorite way to relax before bed is to listen to an audiobook by Dr. Richard Berendzen called Pulp Physics. People in my office know that I like science.

That section of gangrene on your leg? That's not science. That's a health hazard.

Telling me about that rash there or that strange cut that won't heal doesn't quite fall in the same category as say, a book on life's transformation from the first microbes 4 billion years ago to today's life forms. Forget category. If your bad bout of diarhhea is one universe and my interest in science is in another, it would take a million years before the creatures in my universe would notice that yours exploded.

Key takeaway? You're freaking me out. Stop that.

Your extensive workout routine.
...I'm really sorry for cutting you off mid-sentence, but I just realized that I don't give a rat's ass how many minutes you spent on the bike versus how many minutes you spent weight training.

How beautiful/shitty the weather is.
Thanks for letting me know how much you hate/like the weather today. I really hope we'll never have this conversation again.

-Signing off in Seattle

1 comment:

George said...

Here across the pond
We all discuss the weather
Especially rain