Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ode to Costco

My office is ridiculous. We get a HUGE order from Costco twice a month and (I assume) spend a significant amount of money on important things like string cheese, twizzlers, buckets of butter (yes, BUCKETS), etc.

However, while all of us here are packing on the calories like we're chipmunks in winter, we can't afford the simple things, like a decent e-mail system that doesn't crash every day, twice a day, three times a day if you're already having a bad day. I don't know, but when 90% of your job consists of working through e-mail to correspond with clients and reporters, I would think investment in a functional e-mail system would be higher on the list than twizzlers.

OK, now that being said...

I LOVE the end of those two weeks - after the kitchen has been completely ravaged and all that's left on the shelves are pretzels and cup of noodle - when the Costco shipment comes in and you're left with a smorgasbord of "low calorie," "sugar free," "zero trans fat" goodness. It's like Christmas coming in 2 week increments.

Now, while I do love snacking for 8 hours, my favorite is the endless supply of soda. Ahhh, refreshing, bubbly, caffeinated soda. If I never learned back in elementary school that humans are 75% H2O, I would think soda was the nectar of life. Let's break it down.

"Thumbs Up"

1) Diet Coke - Nothing compares. Period.
2) Cherry Coke - The original is always the best. But never scoff at reinvention.
3) 7 Up - A little old school, but a classic.
4) Fanta - Weird, right? But I came to love it while in Spain. They love their Fanta.

"Thumbs Down"

1) Dr. Pepper - Nothing more disgusting. Tastes like lipstick. Really.
2) Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Coke - Were they serious with this one?
3) Sprite - Because everyone needs a nemesis (i.e. 7 UP)
4) Pepsi / Diet Pepsi - Not bad, but it's no Coke. And, is too sugary oxymoronic?

-Signing off from San Francisco

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